Why do we pledge?

This church belongs to each of us. We pledge to fund the daily operations and to ensure that the church and its resources are here for us and for others now and in the future.

What is the money used for?

Pledge and other revenue sources (investment, fundraising, donations) support our worship and music programs, our religious education program, programs for members and friends, community outreach, and connections to Unitarian Universalism. Our budget reflects our mission and vision. Our mission – 

Celebrating and Cultivating Community by

  Liberating and Inspiring the Human Spirit   

Is pledging a requirement of membership?

We expect that those who benefit from the church and participate in activities will share in its financial operation. Some members are able to pledge more, others less, but we can all share in supporting our church.

Should everyone pledge the same amount?

We place a high value on diversity and inclusivity in our congregation—diverse views, backgrounds, and experiences. Included in this diversity is a diversity of economic circumstances. All of us support our church at individual financial levels.

How much should I pledge?

Plan to contribute a percentage of your annual income. Click on this link The Fair Share Giving Guidelines over view the chart down below. These are suggestion on what you might give.

What about the money I put in the collection plate?

Some people use the Sunday offering to make their pledge payments. As long as the offering can be associated with you, e.g. your personal check, or cash in a marked envelop then whatever you put in the offering will be counted toward your pledge.

We also offer the ability to make secured electronic pledge or plate contributions via our PayPal link. Use the QR Code or the donate button. Please make sure that the QRCode takes you to regular PayPal.

 Please note: If you decide to boost your gift by giving through PayPal Giving Foundation, please know that we will not receive your name. Please also know that we appreciate the extra amount that the Giving Foundation contributes to us from your gift!

What if my financial circumstances change during the year, if I lose my job or have a financial mergency?

Lives are not static. Contact the Finance Committee chairperson, Barb Brown, vpfin@allsoulscommunity.org, if you need to adjust your pledge.
